INITIAL ONE-HOUR CONSULTATION In person, on the phone or via email. We will evaluate your project and point you in
the right direction. Lots of questions will be asked and lots of answers will be given. $50@hour THE
BASICS We will continue with the next step by reading your screenplay, script outline, treatment and give you a written
evaluation (coverage, marketing advice and possible film production resources. We will also recommend a budget range using
the Bare Bones Method. $200@project
WHAT YOU MUST DO Take notes at every encounter and meeting with your consultant. Ask questions for clarification.
Read all suggested materials. Refrain from being argumentative with your consultant. Pay your
consultant as agreed upon and when agreed upon. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Do what we recommend
or hire a new consultant in accordance with contract provisions. Do not interfere nor disrupt production, or disclose
confidential information shared by consultants, oral or written.
MOVIE PRODUCTION PRE-PRODUCTION CONSULTING-$495-$1,200 Screenplay Analysis, Production Shooting Script,
Production Budget Breakdown, Production Shooting Schedule CASTING DIRECTOR-$1,800 We will arrange
casting calls, call backs, contract creations and talent recommendations. PRODUCTION MANAGER $2,000@week+travel
expenses $500@day We manage all aspects of the movie shoot (cast calls, crew calls, equipment rental, etc)
We will coordinate Behind The Scenes still photo shoots and press releases. We will scout locations and manage locations.
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY $5,000 @week $1,100 @ day We will light and shoot your movie. We
will capture sound, We will capture Behind the Scenes video footage. We will select crew (Camera operators, gaffers,
best boys, sound mixer, videographer, etc) DIRECTOR $7,500 @ week $1,600@day The Director
will run entire operation. Plan each day's shoot, hire Director of Photography (Cinematographer), supervise crew, select
locations, approve cast, select equipment, supervise final edit of pictures. Hire assistants as needed (1st AD, 2nd AD, 2nd
unit Director)
PRODUCING & DISTRIBUTION Associate Producer-Facilitator We will help you to prepare a Business Plan We
will help you to identify and contact potential producers (financiers) We will review production schedule, budget, casting
and locations, crew and equipment needs We will perform other tasks as agreed in this category $1,200-$1,800
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER We will use our contacts to assist in financing your movie project. We will prepare LLC
(Limited Liability Company) or LP (Limited Partnership) Agreements $2,500 retainer+ expenses + 10% of funds raised.
YOUR ON-SET DUTIES (If not assuming a designated position) Arrange for FOOD for cast and crew. Arrange
for makeup, hair and costuming needs. Arrange for Extras (when needed) Arrange for transportation.
Arrange for Press Coverage. Arrange for A Continuity Person (Script Supervisor) Arrange for T-Shirt
and/or caps. Arrange a wrap party.